You Have to Know the Past to Understand the Present Sagen

—  Carl Sagan

Last update June 3, 2021.

Carl Sagan photo

Carl Sagan 365

American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author and scientific discipline ed… 1934 - 1996

Related quotes

„…everything has a past. Everything – a person, an object, a discussion, everything. If you don't know the past, you can't understand the present and program properly for the future."

—  Chaim Potok, volume Davita's Harp

Source: Davita'south Harp

Agreement, Past, Future, Personality

Terry Eagleton photo

„The present is only understandable through the past, with which information technology forms a living continuity; and the past is always grasped from our ain partial viewpoint within the present."

—  Terry Eagleton British writer, academic and educator 1943

Source: 1980s, Literary Theory: An Introduction (1983), Chapter 2, p. 62

Agreement, By

Marc Bloch photo

„Misunderstanding of the present is the inevitable issue of ignorance of the past. But a homo may vesture himself out but as fruitlessly in seeking to sympathize the past, if he is totally ignorant of the present…This faculty of understanding the living is, in very truth, the master quality of the historian."

—  Marc Bloch French historian, medievalist, and historiographer 1886 - 1944

The Historian'southward Craft, pg.43

Truth, Understanding, Past

Jodi Picoult photo

„anyone can understand annihilation. Y'all merely have to know how to present your data."

—  Jodi Picoult, book Songs of the Humpback Whale

Source: Songs of the Humpback Whale


„The present enables us to understand the past, non the other way round."

—  A.J.P. Taylor Historian 1906 - 1990

Mon the Rangers
The Trouble Makers: Dissent over Foreign Policy, 1792-1939 (1957)

Way, Understanding, By

Nick Hornby photo

„I'm very skillful at the past. It's the nowadays I tin't understand."

—  Nick Hornby, book High Fidelity

Source: High Allegiance

Understanding, By

„There is no past. Past is present when you lot carry it with you lot."

—  Flora Rheta Schreiber American journalist 1918 - 1988

Source: Sybil: The Archetype True Story of a Adult female Possessed past 16 Personalities


Tennessee Williams photo

„You are the only swain that I know of who ignores the fact that the futurity becomes the present, the present the past and the past turns into everlasting regret if you don't program for it!"

—  Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie

Amanda, Scene Five
Source: The Glass Menagerie (1944)

Past, Future

Jonathan Maberry photo

„It'due south important to know the by, but your survival depends on knowing the present."

—  Jonathan Maberry, book Dust & Disuse

Source: Grit & Disuse

Past, Dependency

Eckhart Tolle photo

„Cipher ever happened in the past that can forbid you from existence present at present; and if the past cannot preclude yous from being nowadays now, what power does it have?"

—  Eckhart Tolle German writer 1948

A New World (2005)
Variant: Nothing ever happened in the by that tin foreclose you lot from being nowadays now, and if the past cant prevent you lot from being nowadays at present, what power does it accept?
Source: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life'south Purpose


Fernando Pessoa photo

„I always live in the present. The future I tin't know. The past I no longer have."

—  Fernando Pessoa, book The Volume of Ailment

Ibid., p. 118
The Book of Disquiet
Original: Vivo sempre no presente. O futuro, não o conheço. O passado, já o não tenho.

Past, Future

David Klass photo

„You may have created my by and screwed upwardly my present, but you accept no control over my future."

—  David Klass, book You Don't Know Me

Variant: The good news is that you may have created my past and screwed upwards my present, but you havce no control over my future. You don't know me at all.
Source: You Don't Know Me

Past, Future

Baruch Spinoza photo

„If yous want the present to be different from the past, study the past."

—  Baruch Spinoza Dutch philosopher 1632 - 1677

Study, Past

Charlotte Perkins Gilman photo

„Through it [literature] we know the past, govern the present, and influence the future."

—  Charlotte Perkins Gilman American feminist, author, commercial artist, lecturer and social reformer 1860 - 1935

Source: The Man-Made Globe

Literature, Past, Future

Henry Rollins photo

„Best non to mix the past with the present. The nowadays paints the past with gold. The past paints the nowadays with lead."

—  Henry Rollins American singer-songwriter 1961

Past, Painting

„Nosotros recollect we're in the present, merely we aren't. The present nosotros know is only a movie of the past."

—  Ken Kesey novelist 1935 - 2001

Source: The Electrical Kool-Aid Acid Examination (1968), Ch. 11: The Unspoken Thing
Context: We are ever acting on what has just finished happening. It happened at least 1/30th of a 2d ago. We think we're in the present, simply we aren't. The present we know is simply a pic of the past.

Thinking, By

Confucius photo

„The Master said, "A truthful teacher is one who, keeping the by alive, is also able to understand the present."
(Analects 2.eleven)"

—  Confucius Chinese teacher, editor, political leader, and philosopher -551 - -479 BC

Understanding, Teachers, Past

Frank Wilczek photo

„Information technology is delightful in itself when we are able to interpret features of the nowadays as signs confirming our agreement of the by."

—  Frank Wilczek physicist 1951

Source: Longing for the Harmonies: Themes and Variations from Modernistic Physics (1987), Ch.11 Explosions and Fluourescence (or, Entropy's Revenge)

Agreement, Past

Thich Nhat Hanh photo

„By living securely in the present moment we tin sympathise the by better and we tin can prepare for a better future."

—  Thich Nhat Hanh Religious leader and peace activist 1926

Understanding, By, Time to come

Joseph Kosuth photo

„Fundamental to this thought of art (conceptual fine art) is the understanding of the linguistic nature of all fine art propositions, exist they past or present, and regardless of the elements used in their construction. (note: Without this agreement a 'conceptual' course of presentation is fiddling more than than a manufactured stylehood, and such art we have with increasing abundance.)"

—  Joseph Kosuth American conceptual artist 1945

'Joseph Kosuth: Introductory notation by the American editor', in Art-Linguistic communication Vol.1 Nr.ii, Art & Language Press, Chipping Norton (February 1970), p.3.

Fine art, Idea, Understanding, Nature

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